Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018

Keene State College

Keene State College 

Heute, am 30. Oktober,  besuchte die 7a Klasse das Keene State College. Nachdem wir am ersten Unterrichtsblock teilgenommen hatten, wurden wir von einem “American Schoolbus” abgeholt und nach Keene gefahren. Dort wurden wir der Deutsch Professorin und einem Studenten der Universität vorgestellt. 
Als erstes erhaschten wir einen kurzen Einblick in das Studentenheim des Keene State College. Wie auch bei uns teilen sich mehrere Personen eine Art Apartment, in dem Küche und Badezimmer geteilt werden. Anschließend besuchten wir den Sportbereich der Universität, der unfassbar groß ist und viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten anbietet, um neben dem Lernen Sport zu betreiben.
Das Highlight unseres Ausflugs war definitiv das Essen in der Cafeteria. Von Pizza und Nudeln bis zu Salat und Wraps gab es wirklich alles und wir waren definitiv nicht mehr hungrig als wir mit dem Essen fertig waren. 
Danach besuchten wir eine Vorlesung des Deutschkurses, in dem wir uns mit den Studenten auf Deutsch verständigten. Besonders die Präsentation der “Austrian Cuisine”, von Killian, Nemanja, Kevin Dominik und Maxi S. kam besonders gut bei den Zuschauern an. 

Als wir wieder an der ConVal High School ankamen, fuhren wir in kleinen Gruppen zu einem Halloween Store, weil wir uns, um unsere Kostüme kümmern mussten. Mehrere Mädchen entschieden sich dazu, ein Gruppen Kostüm zu machen. 

Nach einem langen Tag trafen wir uns in einem mexikanischen Restaurant in Peterborough, wo wir den sogenannten “Taco Tuesday” auskosteten. Obwohl es ein langer Tag war, konnten wir dennoch viele neue Erfahrungen und Eindrücke sammeln.

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2018

28.10.2018: Our exiting Sunday

Yesterday we had a small and nice get-together and sleepover at Lucy’s house. This morning we all got up together, got ready and went to Peterborough to grab some breakfast at a local Diner called “Nonies”. It was really busy, so we had to wait for our food a little bit longer than usual, but the waiting was worth it. The food was great and exactly what I had in mind when I think about American breakfast. Some of us had Eggs, Bacon and Toast, others French Toast and Waffles. 

After our tasty breakfast, we met up with the others at the school to go to the soccer game between “The Revolutions” and the Canadian team “Montreal Impact” near Boston. The bus drive was about two hours of relaxing and talking. After we got out of the bus and saw the stadium, we were impressed by the enormous size of the building.  

The game started with the two national anthems of America and Canada. Everyone was super exited to witness a real American soccer game in a stadium of that size. Then, in the 2nd half of the game the Revs scored their first goal and we were all really happy.
The game was pretty interesting and in the end our team from New England, The Revs, won!! 

After the game ended we went back to our buses and drove back home to Peterborough. At approximately 9 PM, we were back and went straight home, because we were all very tired.
It was a great and exiting day full of new experiences.  

Deyna Dizdarevic

Montag, 29. Oktober 2018

Arrival in Peterborough, New Hampshire

Yesterday was the day of the days: our trip to the US started. 
We met at Salzburg Airport at 8 a.m. and flew to Frankfurt. 
There we had to rush because we only had one hour to catch the next flight and the airport is really big so we ran across the whole building and made it in the last minutes of boarding.
We landed at about 5-6 o'clock, eastern daylight time and we were all really glad that we finally arrived in Boston.
A Hostfamily came to guide us to
the bus that took us to Peterborough, New Hampshire.
The bus ride was really fun, we listened to music and some of us napped.
The bus took us to Conval Highschool where we were picked up by our hosts.
We are really excited to spend the next two weeks with our host families in Peterborough.

Salem and Spooky World

On Thursday some students went to Salem. In the evening some students went to The Spooky World, it was cold but it was so funny. So it was great to see how the haunted houses in the US are.
Nemanja Vidovic

Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2018

Saturday the 27th

On Saturday it was a very rainy day, so a few of us got together and we went to a trampoline park. This was alot of fun! Later that day all of us met up at one of our hosts houses, where we had a nice get-together. We played pool, tablesocker and we were listening to music. Overall it was a long and enjoyable day.
 Laurenz doing a backflip

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2018

New Hampshire - Indian summer

Im Herbst in New Hampshire sind vor allem die vielen Blattfarben der ausgedehnten Wälder beeindruckend. Besondere Leuchtkraft entwickeln die Blätter bei Sonnenschein. Die Landschaft in New Hampshire ist geprägt durch Granit, zahlreiche Flüsse und Seen und durch schier endlose Waldflächen, die in Summe eine besondere, einzigartige Stimmung erzeugen.

Tuesday; 23.10.: 2nd day at school

It was our second school day here in the US and we all still had to get used to the fact that most of us had to get up around 5:50.
After two and a half lessons, some of us left to go either to the Alpaca farm or to the "Maple Barn". 
We drove about 45 minutes until we arrived at a nice looking log cabin with a beautfiul inside. At the Maple barn, we boys also saw a photo of Chuck Norris and were amazed. The food was great especially the "Parker Special" and also the omelets and waffles were delicious.

From 1.30 to 3.30 we were back at the school finishing the last lessons. As our last highlight of the day, we went to the "Merrimack Outlets" which were outdoors. Sadly the fun vibes were ruined by rain, so fortunatley the "Pheasant Lane Mall" was next on our list and had a ceiling. While we were shopping we found some teriffic stores and also bought some really cool clothes, shoes and other accessories. When we came home we all were so tired of another exciting day that we immeditatley went to bed.

at the outlets
Theresa feeding the Alpacas
delicious waffles and sandwiches as breakfast
Maxi together with Chuck Norris

Montag, 22. Oktober 2018

First Day at Conval High

We may have had a head start today, because of all waking up simultaneously at 5:30 am , but that could not prepare us for the craziness, in a positive way, and the cultural shock that we would be confronted with on our first day of American school!
The day started with our host giving us a tour through the maze that is their school, while we couldn’t stop asking ourselves if we woke up in an American teenage movie? That particular feeling would accompany us for the rest of the day.
The thing that amazed me the most was the student-teacher dynamic.
For me it was just incredible. The teaching is on a whole different level, since the teachers are not afraid to connect personal aspects of their life with their teaching. We even ended up eating lunch and casually chatting with the art teachers.
A nice break from the chaos of a 800-students highschool was my host’s internship at the local newspaper. We just took a camera and started driving around taking pictures. Seeing the leaves of the Indian Summer reflected in this beautiful lake was just amazing!
We finished the day of school off with an Oktoberfest imitation. The pretzels and apple juice reminded us a lot of the real Oktoberfest, except the quality of the American’s approach on it was a lot higher. We might have lost at a game of trivia against the Americans, although we are certain, it was because they had easier questions, but it still was a perfect finish to an amazing day full of new impressions.

First day in Peterborough


Today was our first day in the United States. Everyone was already with his hostpartner. We got up and had breakfast where we had the opportunity to get to know each other better. So everyone had a different program for the day but some of us went to a shopping mall which was about an hour away from Peterborough. Others went hiking while another group visited some smaller cities. I think everyone was tired because of the day before. At 6:30 nearly everyone of the whole group met at “Harlow’s“ which is a small pub in Peterborough. We ate and laughed together which was just so fun. At 8:30 we got kicked out because at that time the age limit is 21. It was a wonderful first day in New Hampshire. 

Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2018

Save Touchdown at Logan Airport, Boston

Nach einem unproblematischen Flug nach Boston über Frankfurt, der allerdings aufgrund eines technischen Problems zwei Stunden Verspätung hatte, sind wir alle gesund und munter und sehr enthusiastisch im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten angekommen!

Freitag, 19. Oktober 2018

The last days in Austria 🇦🇹

Thursday 18th October
The last days here in Austria are very intense and very exhausting, because we had a Latein Test for 2 hours in the first 2 lessons and the school was till 7 p.m. in the evening. In the evening we also had our final rehearsals for the american presentations as you can see in the picture below.

Friday 19th October
The really last full day here in Salzburg began. Now it‘s getting serious.. we are all very exciting about the big adventure and are looking forward to the great time in Peterborough, Boston and NYC.
We are ready to take off! Let‘s all make it an unforgettable trip!

Greetings Laurenz & Maxi

Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2018

Der Countdown läuft!

Und wieder einmal sind die letzten Tage der Vorbereitung unglaublich schnell vergangen und es sind jetzt nur noch 9 Tage bis zum Take off!
Die Stimmung in unserer Reisegruppe ist sehr gut, wir können es kaum noch erwarten, unsere Hostbrothers and Hostsisters in New Hampshire endlich kennenzulernen!