Sonntag, 11. November 2018

The end is near

Our last day in the USA started with mixed feelings. Although it had been a wonderful time and everybody missed their hosts, we were still looking forward to being back home again.
But first, a tight schedule still awaited us. After having packed, some of us enjoyed a delicious breakfast at Andrew‘s with pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, smoothies and much more.
At 8:30 we met in front of the Hotel Pennsylvania again to take the subway to Central Park together. Unfortunately some were late, so we had to start 20 minutes behind schedule. However, as soon as we got to Columbus Square and began exploring Central Park, all the anger was blown away by the beauty of the park that brings nature to this gigantic city. We saw squirrels, birds and lots of dogs with their owners, as well as the ‚Lake‘, Strawberry Fields - the John Lennon memorial where we listened to a guitar player - joggers and cyclists. After approximately two hours we had to leave, because the next highlight awaited us: the MoMA, Museum of Modern Art. Once in it, we had the opportunity to stroll through the museum ourselves for two hours. Some went to one of the three cafés to grab a bite, others tried to enjoy as much of the art exhibited on six floors as they possibly could in that short amount of time before they bought lots of souvenirs in the store.
At 2 p.m. we left to pick up our suitcases at the hotel from which we took a bus to Newark Airport. Thankfully, everything went according to plan at the airport, because we only had one hour to get through Check-In and Security Check before we had to get on the plane.
This time, despite heavy rain that had started in the afternoon, the plane took of according to schedule and flew us back home.

Below: Picture 1: The ‚Lake‘, our group in the foreground, skyline in the back
            Picture 2: ‚Imagine‘ mosaic, Strawberry Fields
            Picture 3: A curious and friendly squirrel watches us at Central Park
            Picture 4: ‚A Starry Night‘, Vincent van Gogh, MoMA

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